Men’s Issues

Ask yourself…

Do your relationships just feel like they’re missing something

Has that passion at work faded or was it never really there?

Are you craving intimacy but simultaneously afraid of it? 

Do you try so hard to be the “good guy” that you’ve lost yourself along the way?

Do you feel tired doing it all alone?

If so, then you may benefit from a male therapist specializing in men’s issues.

It can be hard to talk about what you’re going through with friends or loved ones. You just don’t talk about serious stuff with the guys. Or maybe you don’t have anyone to talk to about serious stuff, period. 

You want your life to improve — you just don’t know how to go about it. You’ve heard of psychotherapy — and may have friends who’ve been — but answering a lot of personal questions seems uncomfortable and awkward. How are you supposed to trust a stranger with your most private, shameful experiences? You don’t like to think about the hard stuff, let alone talk about it. You feel it’s best to just leave it alone.

The thing is — what you’re doing isn’t working anymore. Cutting yourself off from intimate relationships, engaging in behaviors that are harmful to your health, and isolating or withdrawing so no one knows what you’re going through — everything you’re doing to stay strong is exhausting. 

Look, I get it. When someone asks what’s wrong, you say, “I don’t want to talk about it,” or, “I’d rather not get into it”, or “I’m all good” - but there’s a part of you that wants to say how you really feel. Men are not immune to mental health concerns. You know for sure you have “stuff” you could — and should — deal with.


Men’s therapy in the Bay Area offers a confidential, supportive environment where you can explore your personal issues, judgment-free. 

If you’re a man in the Bay Area seeking a therapist, working with someone who specializes in men’s issues could be a good fit. I am an inclusive therapist and welcome all male-identifying people and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

What Types of Issues Can I Explore in Bay Area Men’s Therapy? 

Whatever you want to explore. 

Many of my online men’s therapy clients in the Bay Area come to me with concerns regarding sadness, depression, anger, isolation, loneliness, and people-pleasing tendencies. 

Oftentimes there’s a feeling of emptiness, malaise, or anxiety that has been around for so long that they don’t know when it even started.

When things get hard, it’s tough when you feel isolated and alone. You may not have a strong support network to lean on, which can make things worse.

If You Are Experiencing:

  • Crippling sadness that just won’t go away 

  • Worry that if you feel your emotions, you’ll fall apart 

  • Sadness regarding your lack of friendships or intimate relationships

  • Cold, neglectful, or abusive behavior from your parental figures

  • Difficulty being vulnerable and open 

  • A tendency to avoid your emotions or difficult conversations out of fear

  • Anxiety around dating and how to approach people in ways that are welcome as opposed to “creepy” or “toxic” 

  • Anger and aggression 

  • Numbness, emptiness, dissociation and withdrawal

  • Difficulty engaging in hobbies and interests you used to enjoy 

  • Feelings of purposelessness or that life is meaningless

  • A lack of direction

  • Addiction to substances, alcohol, porn, gaming, or the internet

  • Negative inner monologues berating and shaming your behavior  

Then you may want to consider men’s therapy in the Bay Area.

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule a free 20-minute consultation call. On the call, we’ll discuss what you’re looking for in a therapist and what you hope to get out of therapy. If you don’t know, that’s okay too — I’ll ask about some of the symptoms you’re experiencing and answer any questions you may have about the therapeutic process. 

If you want to move forward, we’ll set up an appointment. Online therapy sessions last 50 minutes. How often we meet will depend on what you’re looking for and the severity of your symptoms. If you think you have an internet, porn, or gaming addiction, please visit my internet addiction services page where you can find more information and an internet addiction questionnaire you can take. Seeking therapy for self-esteem, depression, or anxiety? Click here.

I operate primarily from a relational and psychodynamic approach, but also may pull from other therapeutic modalities, including depth psychology, transpersonal, somatics, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). I encourage mindfulness practices with each of my clients, as reconnecting with the self includes reconnecting with the breath and body. I will teach you not only how to do mindful breathing, but also how to identify emotions and where they arise in your body and release judgment surrounding your experiences. 

You’re not used to taking care of yourself.

But you know it’s time to start. 

Not caring for yourself is damaging your life. 

It’s harming your relationships, your friendships, your work, and your self-esteem. You know you need to start caring — not just for the people who care about you — but for yourself. If you’re curious about how your life can improve, how you can be happier and thrive, and what life can look like when you get your anxiety, loneliness, and low self-worth under control, set up a free consultation today. 

What We Can Work On in Bay Area Men’s Therapy

Being a man in today’s society can feel like a catch-22. 

You’re supposed to get after it but not be too selfish. Work hard, but know when to unwind. Relax, but stay in control. Be in control, but not be controlling. Be vulnerable, but without falling apart or being needy.

Working on your mental health as a man in today’s society is tough. 

But it doesn’t have to be. 

When you connect with someone who practices men’s therapy in the Bay Area specializing in men’s issues, you’ll have a place to talk about all the things you’re struggling with. And you won’t have to feel ashamed. Or worry about being judged, criticized, or ridiculed. I’m not going to tell you to “walk it off,” “toughen up,” or “just get over it.” I won’t make light of your struggles. 

I will offer you a place to vent, cry, express anger, and release whatever else you’ve got pent up inside of you. If you’re angry all the time, that emotion is probably masking something else that’s going on. It’s ok to feel angry, we just need to process that anger so it doesn’t become aggression.

Acknowledging your experiences won’t cause you to fall apart, it will help you piece yourself back together. 

You deserve to live a fully integrated life rather than cutting yourself off from the full range of the human experience. 

In therapy, you can learn how to:

  • Acknowledge anger or rage and deal with it in healthy ways

  • Talk about anger, aggression, and rage from a place of mindful masculinity, as opposed to toxic masculinity 

  • Look at unhealthy behaviors that have been ingrained in you from childhood, the media, or parental figures with a critical eye, and mindfully choose how you want to behave

  • Cope with (and feel) sadness and pain

  • Acknowledge anger or rage and deal with it in healthy ways

  • Talk about anger, aggression, and rage from a place of mindful masculinity, as opposed to toxic masculinity 

  • Look at unhealthy behaviors that have been ingrained in you from childhood, the media, or parental figures with a critical eye, and mindfully choose how you want to behave

  • Cope with (and feel) sadness and pain

Together, we can integrate your experiences so you feel whole and wholly you

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change."

— Carl Rogers